How to lose 10 kg in a month

healthy weight loss foods of 10 kg per month

Losing 10 kg in a month is a real goal for which there are many ways, but it should be borne in mind that a sharp weight loss does not always have a beneficial effect on health.

How much can you lose weight without harm to your health?

Nutritionists say that it is best to lose 1 kg per week and no more than 4 kg per month, but these are general standards, in reality it is necessary to individually compile a weight loss program and calculate how many calories you need to consume to get rid of extra pounds.

Lack of a fast diet

The biggest disadvantage of fast weight loss is that fast weight loss is possible after completing a rigid diet. In some cases, a person gains more pounds, which is even harder to get rid of. To prevent this from happening, you need to gradually lose pounds by consolidating the result obtained for some time, until the body gets used to the new weight.

How to lose weight in a month

Before starting the weight loss process, you first need to adjust to prevent breakdowns. It is best to put together a weight loss program with a nutritionist and trainer, you may need to work with a psychologist.

Weight loss is a complex activity that requires a competent approach.

For a child, rapid weight loss is also undesirable and can negatively affect health, so you need to approach this task with caution. First of all, you need to pay attention to your diet. Weight gain in children and adolescents most often occurs due to improper diet and low physical activity. It is necessary to reduce the amount of sweets and pastries in the diet, exclude packaged juices, fast food, ready-made sauces. In addition, you need regular physical activities - 2-3 workouts a week (swimming, yoga, volleyball and so on). Changes in diet and lifestyle should be introduced gradually and then intensified.


First of all, you should create a competent diet plan for weight loss in which the consumption of sugar, starch, fatty, spicy, salty and canned foods will be reduced to a minimum or better completely excluded. To lose 10 kg per month, you need to eat vegetables, lean meat, skim milk and kefir, fish and diet chicken or turkey breast without skin.

Vegetables play an important role in losing extra pounds, suppress hunger, contain a minimum amount of calories, saturate and speed up metabolism. They can be stewed or eaten raw. Protein is also important for weight loss and can help you lose pounds without losing muscle mass. Protein foods support muscle recovery and appetite control. These include eggs, chicken, turkey, lean beef, seafood, dairy products and dairy products.

For vegetarians and vegans, lentils, peas, beans, mung beans, chickpeas, tofu, spinach, avocados, oats are suitable as a source of protein. Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, cashews) and various seeds (chia, flax, sesame and others) are excellent snacks. In addition, healthy carbohydrates are useful for quickly getting rid of unnecessary pounds: wild rice (unpolished and unprocessed), whole grains, whole grain bread, pasta, flour. A healthy diet based on natural products helps to lose weight in a short period of time.

Physical activity

To lose weight by 10 kg, it is not enough to establish a diet, the imperative is physical activity that will help speed up fat burning, prevent sagging skin due to rapid weight loss and maintain muscle tone

You don’t have to visit a fitness club every day to do sports. It is much more comfortable to do physical exercises at home at a convenient time.

Proper sleep for weight loss

Lack of sleep also negatively affects the figure, so you need to take care of good sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day and go to bed no later than 22 hours. Late sedation and chronic sleep deprivation slow down metabolism. They also expose the body to stress, against which there is a need for fatty and unhealthy foods.

Exercises for fast weight loss

Effectively burns fat with cardio. Bodyflex and the oxidizing respiratory system are very popular among those who want to lose weight. In these areas of fitness, exercise is based on proper breathing.

You have to do them every day on an empty stomach; after training the food should not be for an hour. Exercises in these systems are static and dynamic. Breathing is performed as follows: when inhaling, the stomach inflates, when exhaling, it pulls strongly towards itself. It is important to clearly count and monitor the correctness of the breathing technique. Initially, it is recommended to try these systems under the guidance of a trainer.

Trainings at home

It is not necessary to train in the fitness center, you can train at home. Running in the park near your home can be a regular cardio activity. It perfectly improves mood, reduces weight and gives yoga strength. It helps to reconcile relationships with other people and with your own body. Yoga does not require much space and no special equipment other than carpets. How much to run and how often to exercise to lose weight is strictly individual, you should focus on your own well-being.

Water for fast weight loss

Those who want to lose weight must adhere to a drinking regime. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. This amount does not include soup, tea, coffee, juices, fruit drinks, compotes and other beverages.

Water effectively cleanses the body of harmful substances and toxins, which simplifies the weight loss process and speeds it up. Hot water flushes fat particles from blood vessels, so it should be drunk a few minutes before and after a meal. In addition, it speeds up metabolism and helps the body burn more calories. This will allow you to easily lose a few pounds in the first few days.

Water does not contain calories compared to other drinks, it makes the skin sensitive and smooth.

Diet when leaving the diet

There are many effective diets that can help you lose a lot of pounds. If you start fasting, you can remove a little belly in 3 days or a week, but it is harmful to your health if done wrong. You can build and look great in 3 weeks, you can achieve an excellent lasting result in a year, but all the effort will be spent if it is wrong to get out of the diet and start eating everything.

During the exit from the diet you must ensure that no more than 1400 kcal is ingested daily if the diet was too strict. Sweets can be eaten in small quantities, no more than 1 time per week. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits for effective weight loss.

It is better to refuse bakery products and sugar in pure form. Instead of sugar in the morning you can use honey or natural syrups: agave, artichoke heat.

It is necessary to carefully study the product labels, monitor the naturalness of the composition and the amount of carbohydrates in the composition.

How to consolidate the result

Many are concerned about how quickly and preferably without a diet to get rid of extra pounds. The process of retaining and consolidating results is no less important than the weight loss process itself. To always stay in shape, you need to eat properly, drink more water and be constantly on the move. In this case, the person will no longer need any child, she will always be at her best.